Monday, 27 July 2015

Issue 6 Coming Soon! In the Meantime...

With submissions for this period now closed, we have some fantastic short stories and poems to look at this week in anticipation of the release of Issue 6 on 1st August. Some really edgy and very clever stuff submitted this time and this issue is going to be a great read. What we did notice, however, was that, after the success of our ‘Brit Lit’ issue, there was a distinct lack this month of submissions from this side of the Atlantic. More submissions from Brits please!

In the meantime, to keep your writer’s brains occupied in between issues of TLC, we have decided to do some book reviews right here on the blog and we have already got some great reads lined up to recommend!

This week, our friends at Orenda Books will be releasing the Kindle version of the fantastic and beautifully-written How to be Brave, the debut novel of UK-based author and previous winner of the Glass Woman Prize, Louise Beech. Shortlisted for the 2014 Luke Bitmead Bursary, How to be Brave tells the story of Natalie who turns to the magical power of storytelling when her daughter Rose is diagnosed with life-threatening Type-1 diabetes.

Feeling desperate and helpless when Rose pushes her away, Natalie attempts to reach out to her daughter by telling her the story of her grandfather, Colin, who survived 50 days on a lifeboat after his merchant navy ship was bombed in the Second World War. Using her grandfather’s diary as a guide, Natalie immerses herself and her daughter in Colin’s world, the ghostly visions she has of a man in a brown suit becoming more and more real to her as the story progresses. Is Colin helping Natalie and Rose through their time of crisis from beyond the grave?

The Kindle version of How to be Brave is available on Amazon from this Thursday, 30th July and the paperback version will be released in September. Follow Louise Beech on Twitter @Louisewriter.

Next time, I will be looking at a fantastic collection of short stories from one of our friends in the US. Watch this space for more details!

Monday, 6 July 2015

New Member of the TLC Team!

Hi, my name is Jacqui and I wanted to introduce myself as the newest member of The Literary Commune’s editorial team. Over the next few weeks, I will be finding my way around the submissions folder and am very much looking forward to reading some of the great work that you guys have been sending in. I will also be keeping our blog updated so any ideas for interviews or too-good-to-miss writing-related news, leave a comment!

To tell you a bit about myself, I have been writing for a long time and have had my creative work published in Acorn Magazine, on Jacqui Bennett Writer’s Bureau website and on Literally Stories. My unpublished novel Coming Second was shortlisted for the 2014 Luke Bitmead Bursary. I am currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University and also work as Student Editor-in-Chief of the university’s online magazine Humanity Hallows. When not writing, I am a busy mum-of-three and a big music fan.

So, on to TLC business! Our submission window for Issue 6 is open until 18th July so if you have a fantastic story or poem that you’d like us to read for this issue, please send it to asap! Make sure you read our Submissions Policy first to give you an idea of the kind of stuff we like to read. The rules are not set in stone, so if you have a brilliant idea and are not sure if it will suit us, feel free to ask! Once the submission window is closed, we will be in touch and Issue 6 will be published on 1st August.

Also don’t forget you can advertise in TLC for a very reasonable price. So, if you, or anyone you know, has a book, film or music project that the world (or, at least, the TLC community) needs to know about, see our advertising page or drop us a line for more info to

Looking forward to getting to know you all and don't forget to 'like' us on Facebook!